North Coast Medical Tenodesis Thermoplastic Splint Kit
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North Coast Medical Tenodesis Thermoplastic Splint Kit
Harness the power of wrist extension to create pinch/gross
grasp ability.
Ideal splint for C6 quadriplegic patients or anyone with wrist extension strength but no finger strength. Use as a training device prior to fitting permanent tenodesis orthosis. Splint stabilizes thumb and holds index and long fingers slightly flexed. When the wrist is extended, the static line attached to the wrist cuff pulls the finger MP joints into flexion, creating a fingertip pinch ability and gross grasp ability. Change size of gross grasp using the adjustable cord lock. Fits left or right hand. To size, measure width at the MP joints.
Kit includes:-
(1) Each of the following precut 1/8" (3.2mm) Omega Max
thermoplastic pieces: dorsal finger component,
thumb component, cord stop piece, and wrist component
(1) 18" (46cm) of braided string
(1) Adjustable cord lock
(2) 1" x 12" (2.5 x 31cm) adhesive D-ring strap
(2) 1" x 5" (2.5 x 13cm) adhesive-back hook fasteners
(2) 1" x 5" (2.5 x 13cm) loop strap